Retailers need manufacturers and brands to supply them with top quality products that are in the right packaging and labelling format, the correct quantity and delivered on time. Ultimately, stock inventory needs to arrive with retailers in ‘retail ready’ condition. Getting this right ensures fast time to market to support sales and shopper satisfaction and avoids any excessive handling and errors causing margin dilution.

Research by Advanced Supply Chain (ASC) and Sapio Research shows the three biggest pre-retail logistics challenges preventing this quest for ‘retail ready’ perfection. These include delivery deadlines (67%), quality issues such as damaged products and packaging (60%) and labelling problems (45%). Focusing on three hot spots during pre-retail logistics can overcome these challenges.

Top tip #1 – replace manual labelling processes

The potential for on-pack labelling to improve performance during pre-retail logistics is often overlooked. Yet, it tends to be one of the biggest causes of mistakes and requirements to redo tasks seen by the ASC team when they are brought in to optimise supply chains. In many instances, labelling is manual, which is time-intensive and prone to human error and inconsistencies.

Automating and digitalising labelling speeds-up processes and avoids issues caused by handwriting. With the right technology and equipment, labels can be easily and quickly printed on-demand, as and when they are needed. Templates can also be set to retailer specifications, ensuring all the correct information is presented on-pack and in the right format. Compliance with retailer requirements is enhanced, saving further time upstream in supply chains. Bottle necks caused by non-compliant stock can be eliminated.

Top tip #2 – create connectivity

The automation and digitalisation of labelling provides a solid foundation to improve connectivity and the flow of accurate data throughout inbound and outbound logistics. ASC has installed touch screen kiosks in fulfilment centres that are backed-up by a web-based supply chain management solution. From the moment of data input and label printing, information is updated and shared to enhance carton tracking and provide real-time visibility of stock inventory.

Better connectivity enables all parties to more effectively plan the movement of inventory. Just-in-time ordering can be made more reliable, stockpiling avoided, out-of-stock scenarios minimised, and sales opportunities maximised.

The automation and digitalisation of labelling proves a lynchpin for improving overall quality control during pre-retail logistics. The availability of accurate data can be used to create a quality control dashboard that streamlines product checks and minimises the possibility of imperfect goods moving beyond the pre-retail stage. Wasted effort and resource caused by moving non-satisfactory goods backwards and forwards through supply chains can be avoided.

Hot spot #3 – consolidate deliveries and cut dwell times

For manufacturers and brands working with multiple different suppliers and retailers, the coordination of inbound and outbound deliveries can prove complex. Vehicles can arrive at warehouses and fulfilment centres unplanned, leading to long dwell times of HGVs waiting to be unloaded. This can seriously delay the time-to-market of products.

Online booking portals, supported by capable transport management systems, can be used to effectively schedule inbound and outbound deliveries. This avoids unloading bays being unnecessarily taken up by vehicles and can also be used to ‘green lane’ priority vehicles. For example, if there’s a need to quickly move stock inventory to enable a retailer to replenish low stock levels, vehicle licence plates can be programmed through the booking portal and transport management system to be given priority status. Dedicated unloading bays can be assigned and prepared to ensure these vehicles are processed quickly and efficiently.

For more top tips on streamlining pre-retail logistics and getting stock inventory ‘retail ready’, click here to download ASC’s expert guide.